Thursday, November 14, 2013

X-Force/ X-men/ Cable The Messiah War

Honestly there aren't too many times I need to buy comics anymore. I've got thousands, but I needed this one. When I chose to read this I had just started looking deeper at the X-men. I wanted to know who Hope Summers was and that lead me to this series. All I can say is it's amazing. (I say amazing way too much but it still is)  This series takes place after the House of M series (so didn't know that when I started reading this, had to backtrack a little) and it is about the first mutant born after the event. The comic opens up with a truly disturbing scene with children and adults slaughtered and the entire village on fire. We don't know who committed this attack at this point but we do know it was cruel and heartless and done out of fear. The only survivor is a single newborn baby. This baby is found by Cable (Cable is the son of Jean and Scott, I still have to find that series. Cable is a time traveling mutant) and he takes the baby because she, the sole survivor is the mutant that had surfaced. The baby, named Hope and adopted by Cable, carries the Phoenix with her.

There's a good side story too that comes a little later, so keep an eye out for that.

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