Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Legend by Marie Lu

All the above covers are the books in the Legend series by Marie Lu. I've read the first two all the way through and have just started book three. I absolutely love these books and unlike some better known series like Divergent, Maximum Ride, and The Hunger Games this one has yet to let me down in any way.

As many of my favorite series, this one is a post apocalyptic series. Unlike many of my favorite books this one has the wonderful aspect of jumping between two characters, yes Divergent does this in the last book, but it's not done as well.

Legend is a story about Day and June. In the society depicted in this book once a child reaches fifth grade they're given a test so they can be placed in society. If a child gets a good score on the test they get a place in the military if they do poorly the return to their homes. There are a handful of elite people within the society that are scientists, politicians, and the wealthy (this one is usually inherited). If you get a superior score on your test you can get a higher place in the government even though you came from nothing. The lower classes live in towns that are so close together that there isn't space to breath and these houses are little more then shacks.

Day comes from one of these cramped towns and when he took the test he got an unprecedented score, he answered every question correctly. Because Day was from the lower class they wanted to experiment on him, so they told his parents he had joined the military and instead they experimented on him. The experiment went wrong and he lost eyesight in one eye and when he was no longer necessary they injected him with something that was supposed to kill him. Though it created the appearance of death Day woke up and escaped from the hospital. So began his life of fighting and evading the government.

Along the way Day meets Tess and she is his side kick through the first book and she shows up periodically through the series. She's two years younger then Day and she is the lookout.

June is a prodigy, she grew up in the elite sector, her parents were both scientists and her brother is a highly ranked military officer. June's parents died when she was young and so her brother took care of her forging a strong bond between them. June got full marks on her test and she skipped two phases of training and went directly to college. She is resented and respected, June is the best and the only one to ever get full points on the test, that is that the government acknowledges. Because of a series of events June joins the military and Day becomes her number one target.

An intriguing story ensues in which Day is chased and June hunts until the truth is revealed.

Here's a video that was made to promote the book:

I hope this has convinced you to pick up this series and I hope if you do you enjoy it as much as I do.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Metroid Manga

This is a  manga that explores the origins of Samus Aran. I just thought it was really cool. I'm really bad about finishing games so maybe this'll help me finish one.